Jan 15, 2011

Things to Work Out For That Work Out

Ok- like most Americans, I am trying to get in gear this New Year (unintentional rhyme) and shed not just holiday weight, but all of my weight...AT LEAST 10 pounds worth. So I thought I'd do something I don't normally do and show some really inexpensive workout clothes and tips for you all to check out if your New Year's resolution was the same as mine...or if you just wanna look like Maria Sharapova in the [above] Nike ad.

I just bought these Nike Free Run+ Sneakers and they are AMAZING! They are so lightweight (7.6oz!!), it's supposed to feel like you're barefoot (Also worn on Maria, above).  I feel like such a badass wearing all black sneakers, I've always had white ones!
Nike Free Run+ Shoes, $85, Footlocker

Here's some more clothing must haves that won't break the bank:

Mock Neck Jersey Zip-Up, $19.50, Old Navy

 Active Stretch Pants or Yoga Capris, $24.50 and $16.50, both from Old Navy

 Barely There Sports Bras, $13.99, Kohl's

Danskin Leggings, $7, Walmart

Alpine Design Racer Back Tank, $14.99, Sports Authority

Unisex Big Pocket Tank, $22, American Apparel
*Tie bottom in a knot to have more of an '80s 'Flashdance' look, or wear loose over leggings

Women's Athletic Ankle Socks (6 pairs), $6, Walmart

 Also, my friends and I have been hijacking Tracy Anderson (Madonna, Shakira, Gwyneth Paltrow's trainer) videos off Youtube to postpone the 'actual purchasing of her workout dvd's' process...
Follow along an do all of these a couple times through and you'll want to die pretty quick, especially if you do her dance routines for a good half hour. For video 3, I tend to learn the dance routine, then turn on some really good pump-up music over speakers, and don't rely on the video or its music once I've learned the dance, just do it on your own without watching Tracy. My suggestion, do it while listing to Enrique's 'Tonight I'm F****** You' Remix, or Beyonce's 'Diva' Remix.
Good luck!
*Shoutout to Lauren Cohen and Allie Kazarian

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